Science: "Systematised knowledge gained from observation, study, & experimentation carried out to determine the nature, or principles, of what is being studied." (Webster dictionary)
Collect information to figure out what’s going on
To know why & how something happens
Is somewhat subjective (have bias)
Definition of Science:
Systemic Knowledge, as opposed to opinion, intuition, or belief
Doesn’t mean is irrelevant
Test hypothesis
Collect data to see if hypothesis is correct
4 Main Goals of Science:
4 Main Goals of Science:
More than 1 study
What data we collect
So is reliable & valid
4 Main Goals of Science:
Collect own data (not just opinions)
Question yourself, prove yourself wrong
Open-minded to other ideas
To make things better
Sport Psychology as “Science”:
Applied sport/exercise psychology techniques (PST/MST) are only as sound & useful as the research & theories on which they are based
Allows us to give practical advice than can be relied on (is trustworthy)
Theories help summarise evidence
Identify key principles
To turn into practical advice
Sport Psychology as “Science”:
"Good Science" is ESSENTIAL if sport/exercise participants are to receive accurate, reliable information about human social behaviour in sport/exercise
Facts vs myths …
Myth: eg that sport builds character (yes, no & maybe)
Does for some not for others
eg cheating & violence
Optimal point of arousal (psyching up)
Sport Psychology as “Science”:
Sport Psychology builds its body of knowledge by following the "Scientific Method" (same as the other sport/exercise sciences; eg. sociology of sport, biomechanics, exercise physiology,...)
Scientific method = multiple methods
Can be replicated to see if get same findings
Principles that adhere to, to how go about our research