Extraction & REDOX

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  • Metal + Oxygen -> Metal Oxide
    • Most metals are found as METAL OXIDES in the environment in rocks called ORES.
    • So they require chemical reactions to extract the PURE METAL from it.

    When metals react with Oxygen, they form metal oxides.
    • It's a chemical process involving the:
    Example; where oxygen is gained by copper:
    • Copper + Oxygen -> Copper Oxide
    • 2Cu + O2 -> 2CuO
  • Reduction:

    The process of EXTRACTING a metal from its oxide.
    • It's a reaction involving the:
    E.g. where oxygen is lost by copper oxide:
    • Copper Oxide + Carbon -> Copper + Carbon Dioxide
    • 2CuO + C -> 2Cu + CO2
  • EXTRACTION TECHNIQUES of getting METALS from the Earth, that is based on the metal's position in the reactivity series:
    • No extraction
    • Reduction with Carbon
    • Electrolysis
  • No Extraction:

    Metals that are UNREACTIVE like GOLD can be found on Earth as itself, so NO extraction is required.
    • It can simply be collected.
  • Reduction with Carbon:

    Used to extract Metals LESS reactive than CARBON.
    • As carbon will be MORE REACTIVE than the metal, so it will remove the oxygen from the metal and form Carbon Dioxide.
    E.g. copper ore reacts with carbon to give copper & carbon dioxide:
    • Copper Oxide + Carbon -> Copper + Carbon Dioxide
    • 2CuO + C -> 2Cu + CO2
  • Electrolysis
    Used by Metals MORE reactive than CARBON.
    • It's a MORE EXPENSIVE method due to the cost of electricity and requires lots of energy.
  • we find pure gold in the ground, but not pure iron:
    • Gold is unreactive, so doesn't react with any other elements
    • Iron is reactive enough to react with oxygen, so is oxidised to iron oxide 
    Stands for reduction-oxidation.
    • It is when reduction AND oxidation occur in the same reaction.
    • These reactions are all about the transfer of ELECTRONS between substances:
    • OXIDATION is where a substance LOSES electrons and gain of oxygen.
    • REDUCTION is where a substance GAINS electrons and lose of oxygen.
    • this is what happens to electrons during redox reactions
  • Displacement Reactions:
    examples of REDOX REACTIONS:
    • This occurs when a  MORE REACTIVE METAL replaces a LESS reactive METAL in a compound.
  • E.g. Zinc is placed in a Copper Sulfate solution:
    • Zinc is HIGHER in the reactivity series, so it REPLACES copper to form ZINC SULFATE.
    • Zn + CuSO4 -> ZnSO4 + Cu
    • Zn+Zn\:+Cu2++\:Cu^{2+}+SO24>Zn2++SO^{2-}4\:->\:Zn^{2+}+SO24+\:SO^{2-}4\:+CuCu
    The element Zn turns into Zn2+
    • Zinc LOST TWO ELECTRONS , to get a charge of +2
    • Zinc has been OXIDISED
    The ion Cu2+ turns into Cu:
    • Cu2+ GAINED two electrons
    • Copper has been REDUCED
  • Half Equations
    shows the ELECTRON TRANSFERS within an ionic equation.
    Electrons in half equations are represented as an e-.
    • The REDUCTION half equation:
    • Shows the element that GAINS electrons.
    • Electrons here are written on the REACTANTS side
    • (left hand side).
    • The OXIDATION half equation:
    • Shows the element that LOSES electrons.
    • Electrons here are written on the PRODUCTS side
    • (right hand side).
  • Mining for iron
    • When we take Rocks from the ground and separate out the bits that contain iron
    • There's lots of different iron ores - referring to metal rich compounds that we can extract out metal from.
    • The most common ore is Fe2O3, (a type of iron oxide) so to isolate the pure iron, we need to reduce this iron oxide to just iron.
    Iron III oxide + carbon -> carbon dioxide + Iron
    • 2Fe2O3+2Fe_2O_3\:+3C>3CO2+3C\:\:->\:3CO_2\:+4Fe\:4Fe
    Fe2O3 has been reduced to Fe by losing its oxygen.
    • Carbon has been Oxidized to Carbon dioxide by gaining oxygen from Fe2O3.
  • REDOX reactions don't happen by themselves, both takes place at the same time:

    • Magnesium atoms would lose two electrons and be oxidized - forming magnesium 2+ ions.
    while the hydrogen ions will gain those electrons and be reduced to neutral hydrogen atoms in the form of hydrogen gas
    • Magnesium + Dilute Acid -> Oxidised magnesium + Hydrogen gas
    • Mg+Mg+2H+2H^+>Mg2++->\:Mg^{2+}+H2H_2
  • Malachite - green

    Copper Carbonate (CuCO3)
  • Hematite - purple

    Iron Oxide (Fe2O3)
  • Bauxite - orange

    Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3)
  • Fe + O -> Fe2O3 (rust)
  • As oxygen is mostly in our atmosphere, most of the metal on earth will have come into contact with it as some point.
    • There's also elements bonded to other elements as well, but oxygen is the common.
  • Oxidation:

    Ca  ➔  Ca2+  +  2e-
  • Sodium reacts with iron sulphate.
    • Fe2+ + 2e-  ➔ Fe
    • Na  ➔  Na+  +  e-
  • Spectator ion:
    An ion that doesn't take part in the reaction & so keeps the same charge
  • 2K  +  CuCl2  ➔  2KCl  +  Cu
    • The Cl- ion doesn't take part, so it's a Cl- ion on both sides.
    • Chloride is the spectator ion.