Sampling in Observations

Cards (7)

  • Types of sampling in observations:
    • Time sampling
    • Event Sampling
  • Event Sampling = Counting the number of times a behaviour occurs each time it occurs in a target individual or individuals.
  • Time Sampling = Counting behaviour in a set time frame
  • Time Sampling - Strengths:
    • Less opportunity to miss behaviour due to recording observational notes as there are breaks taken for that.
  • Time Sampling - Weaknesses:
    • There is a chance of missing behaviour as an observation is interrupted in between time intervals
  • Event Sampling - Strengths:
    • Less chance of missing behaviour as we are observing an entire sequence of behaviour.
  • Event Sampling - Weaknesses:
    • Behaviour may be missed as behaviour is continuous and different behaviour would be happening at the same time, whilst you have to make notes.