Cards (4)

  • Sea Wall
    • Concrete walls places at the foot of a cliff to prevent erosion.
    • They are curved to reflect the energy back to the sea
    • Unfortunately they're expensive
    • Unfortunately the waves can still break and erode the wall
  • Rock armour
    • Large boulders at foot of a cliff
    • They break the waves and absorb their energy
    • Unfortunately it's expensive
    • Fortunately they're cheaper than sea walls
  • Gabions
    • Rocks held in mesh cages and placed in areas affected by erosion
    • Unfortunately it's not very strong and looks unnatural
    • Fortunatlely it's cheap
  • Groynes
    • Wooden or rock structures built out at right angles into the sea
    • Unfortunately they look unattractive
    • Fortunately, they build a beach, encouraging tourism