Restorative Justice

Cards (4)

  • The restorative justice programme is an attempt to rehabilitate the offender by getting them to cognitively understand the effect that their crime has had on the victim and society. This could be by direct reconciliation with the victim or in paying back the victim or wider society. This process “restores” what the offender has harmed.
  • What are the two stages to restorative justice?
    1. Meeting.
    2. Reparation.
  • What happens during the meeting stage of restorative justice?
    The victim and offender take part in a meeting supervised by a trained mediator. This meeting is collaborative, and the victim is given the opportunity to explain to the criminal the harm caused to them. The offender is encouraged to take responsibility.
  • What happens during the reparation stage of restorative justice?
    The offender demonstrates acceptance of responsibility by in some way repaying, this could be a cash payment, or it could be a form community service.