Subdecks (1)

Cards (11)

  • Normal distribution - used for continuous data, denoted by N(µ,var)
  • Normal conditions
    Bell curve
    Equal Averages
    Random events
    Independent events
    Empirical law
  • Empirical law
    • μ ± σ = 66.6% of data
    • μ ± 2σ = 95% of data
    • μ ± 3σ = 99.8% of data
  • How do we find exact probabilities?

    N/A as always = 0
  • How do we find cumulative probabilities

    Normal CD
  • How do we find a value for x?
    Inverse normal
  • Exam technique for normal
    • if given a sample and asked to explain why it is a suitable model / not you must compare sample data to the empirical law
    • to calculate μ and / or σ use the formula Z = X - μ / σ
    • if you require a Z value, use the standard normal N(0,1)