why might this kind of liability be considered unfair?
because it holds the employer responsible for the action of another - often someone that they might not have any day to day dealings with e.g. big companies.
what are the requirements for vicarious liability?
there are two routes the courts have established,
both require the courts to establish that a relationship exists between the parties that makes it right for one to pay for the fault of the other and...
person isn't an employee, is there a relationship akin to employment? no = not liable yes = is there a close connection between the relationship and the tort? yes = liable no = not liable.
why do we need to prove that the tortfeasor is an employee?
employers will only be liable for the actions of their employees (contract of service), but not for independent contractors (those who are self employed and provide a contract for service).
also independence in doing the job - probably one of the most important tests of slef employment is the amount of _____________ and ______________ a person has, the more they have the more likely...
flexibility and independence, they are self employed.
there was a contract which stated that a building labourer was self-employed, but the courts decided that he was employed and the employers were required to protect him under safety laws.