biological approach pt1

Cards (7)

  • genotype- 

    The inherited alleles/genes an individual has
  • Phenotype-

    The displayed characteristic.
  • assumptions of the approach-
    • the belief that behaviour and mental processes are influenced by genetics, brain structure and function, and the nervous system
    It looks at the following biological factors when explaining behaviour:
    1. The genetic basis of behaviour
    2. The influence of changes on chemicals(hormones, neurotransmitters) on behaviour
    3. Darwin's ideas about evolution and how it affects human behaviour
  • what is the concordance rate?

    The concordance rate is the percentage of pairs of individuals in a study that both have a particular trait or condition.
  • Biological Approach - the idea that behaviour is caused by biology, such as genetics or brain chemistry.
  • Monozygotic twins- share 100% genes
  • Dyzygotic twins- share 50% genes.