
Cards (7)

  • conformity
    Form of social influence. It occurs when a persons behaviour/thinking
    changes as a result of group pressure.
  • What are the key factors affecting conformity in Asch's Variations?

    • Group size: Conformity rises with three confederates (31.8%).
    • Unanimity: Presence of a non-conforming confederate increases independence.
    • Task difficulty: Increased similarity of lines raises conformity levels.
  • internalisation
    genuinely accepting group norms - private and public channge of behaviour
  • identification
    we value/identify with the group we want to be part if. Publicly change behaviour but privately disagree
  • compliance
    go along with others but privately disagree
  • informational social influence
    need to be right , when we are in a situation that is ambiguous , we will see what other people are doing and assume they are correct
  • normative social influence
    we want to be liked. we want to be accepted by the rest of the group to fit in