participants must be told what the study is about before taking part
people should not be misled about the true aims of the study
protection from harm
The risk of harm to participants must not be greater than the risk from everyday life
dealing with informed consent
Researchers should produce a letter for participants explaining what
the study involves and the aims. they are then asked to sign a consent form
dealing with deception
at the end of the study , participants should be given a full debriefing of the study and should inform them of the things they had not been told before. they can then withdraw their data if they want to
dealing with protection from harm
if the participants felt uncomfortable or anxious during the study , the psychologist has a responsibility to put this right. they should be reassured that their behaviour was normal and are offered counselling.
dealing with confidentiality
all participants should be anonymous . researchers should not use participants name but their initials or number