
Subdecks (6)

Cards (239)

  • strengths of correlations
    • good starting point for research - if two variables are related it gives researcher ideas for further investigations
    • can be used to investigate complex relationships - correlation has many uses
  • weaknesses of correlations
    • cannot infer cause and effect relationships from correlations - limits usefulness of technique
    • an unknown , untested third variable can influence the relationship between the original co - variables - means its possible to draw wrong conclusions
  • bar chart
    used when data is divided into categories
  • histograms
    when data is continuous and shown by the bars touching each other
  • scattergrams
    doesn't show a difference but correlations between two co-variables
  • normal distribution
    • forms a bell shaped curve
    • mean , mode and median are all in the exact midpoint
  • positive distribution
    long tail is on the positive (right) side of the peak and most of the distribution is on the left
  • Negative distribution
    • long tail is on the negative (left) side and most of the distribution is on the right