2024 paper

Cards (9)

  • Outline flexibility as a factor in minority influence.
    minority is willing to change their views and accept counter arguments - more likely to be seen as reasonable
  • Describe the roles of consistency and commitment in minority influence. Explain how Mimi and Asif could demonstrate consistency and commitment as part of their campaign.
    • Consistency - repeat the same message and behaviour over time
    • commitment - dedicated to their views , sacrificing something .
    • demonstrate consistency by repeating their message that littering is bad for the environment , repeat these messages in assemblies
    • demonstrate commitment by sacrificing their time to help pick up the litter and it will then make other students stop dropping litter over time
  • The sensory register is a component of the multi-store model of memory. Describe the sensory register.
    The sensory register is the first store in the multi-store model of memory, where information from the senses is initially received. It has a very large capacity but only retains information for a very short duration, typically less than a second.
  • Explain one reason why it might have been better to use open questions rather than closed questions on the questionnaire.
    Open questions let students share all the information they can recall instead of choosing an answer that only partially matches their true memories.
  • Briefly evaluate research into post-event discussion as a factor that affects the accuracy of eyewitness testimony.
    some research into post-event discussion has taken place in a laboratory so may not reflect real life
  • Discuss interference as an explanation for forgetting.
    • interference is where different pieces of information become confused in memory
    • proactive - old effects new
    • retroactive - new effects old
    • real life interference - rugby players asked to recall names , more games = worse recall , increases ecological validity
  • Identify the type of interview used in this study. Explain your answer.
    structured interview
    • the psychologist had written the six questions beforehand
  • Write a suitable hypothesis for use with this question.
    There is a difference in the teachers obedience ratings of Year 2 children and Year 5 children
  • Suggest how you could carry out an observation of obedient behaviour in Year 5 primary school children.
    non-participant, structured observation , watch and record behaviour from a distance without interacting to avoid influencing their actions.
    • I would observe following teacher instructions within 10 seconds(e.g., beginning work or sitting down when told) and raising a hand before speaking
    • I would use a time sampling method, where I observe for specific time intervals (e.g., 10-second intervals) and record whether the defined obedient behaviors occur during those periods.