Cards (5)

  • What is Personality?
    • My definition of personality
    • Characteristics & traits that define a person
    • Consistent patterns of behaviour
  • Definition of Personality:
    • Personality is an abstraction used to describe a psychological variable
    • Is a made up thing (a concept), labelled something that existed
    • Can’t touch it but know that it’s real
    • Describes something that we witness
    • Consistency of people’s behaviours
  • Psychological Definitions:
    • “Personality reflects psychological qualities that contribute to an individual’s enduring & distinctive patterns of feeling, thinking & behaving”
    • Enduring → is consist & predictable (behaviour)
    • Enduring overtime, lasts
    • Distinctive → different personalities
    • All a wee bit different
    • Is predictable overtime (patterns)
    • Helps us understand why people behave the way they do, & what to change to improve
  • Psychological Definitions
    • "The more or less stable & enduring organisation of a person's character, temperament, intellect, & physique which determines their unique adjustment to the environment" (Eysenck, 1960)
    • Each of us are unique to an extend
  • Personality Types Example:
    • Optimistic vs pessimist
    • How you perceive it, driven by personality