Part 3: Implications of the Interaction Model

Cards (9)

  • Person (participant) x Environment (situation) Interaction
    • Participant Motives [P]
    • Enjoyment
    • Fitness/Health
    • Socialising
    • To win
    • Situational Motivators [E]
    • Build w/ teammates/friendships
    • To win
    • To be noticed - for better team
    • Achievement/Selection/Recognition
    • Judgement form others
    • For family/friends/coach
  • Person (participant) x Environment (situation) Interaction
    • Positive or negative 
    • What stuff gets in the way 
    • B = f (P x E)
    • Motivation is preventative but also can be a cause for stress (things out of our control, situational factors) & anxiety
  • Participant - Situation interaction → Participant Motivation 
    • Person brings interest/needs, goals, personality
    • Situation factors, leader-coach style, facility attractiveness, team win-loss record 
    • Both influence participant motivation 
    • Satisfying when you win something challenging or against a tough opponent
  • 5 Guidelines to Build Motivation
    1. Sportspeople/exercisers motivated by what lies within themselves (traits), & by the situation
    2. People have multiple motives for participating. To understand athlete/participant motivation, one must know why they participate
    3. Structure the sport/exercise situation to meet participant's needs and/or change participant's motives if they are inappropriate/unhelpful
    4. Leaders influence motivation - coach/exercise leader directly & indirectly influence motivation
    5. Use behaviour modification techniques to change inappropriate/unhelpful participant motives
  • 5 Guidelines to Build Motivation
    • Sportspeople/exercisers are motivated by what lies within themselves (traits), and by the situation in which they find themselves
    • What you bring with you has a big influence but same goes for the situation (is complex)
    • Is a moving target changes overtime
  • 5 Guidelines to Build Motivation
    • People have multiple motives for participating. To understand athlete/participant motivation, one must know why they participate
    • More than one reason why we participate 
    • Not there for just one reason, but may be a primary reason 
    • Fun top 3 for kids under 12 
  • 5 Guidelines to Build Motivation
    • Structure the sport/exercise situation to meet participant's needs and/or change participant's motives if they are inappropriate/unhelpful
    • Modify environment to help people with their motivation 
    • Can assist but not completely, still up to them
  • 5 Guidelines to Build Motivation
    • Leaders influence motivation. The coach/exercise leader is a critical part of the situation, directly & indirectly influencing motivation
    • Left cause has negative experience with coach/leader 
    • Doesn’t mean we are a primary motivator for someone, do play a role but still up to them
    • Influence on you is filtered through your goal
  • 5 Guidelines to Build Motivation
    • Use behaviour modification (more later) techniques to change inappropriate/unhelpful participant motives
    • How can we help people modify their behaviour to help increase their motivation
    • Research based to help increase their chances 
    • Exercise Motivation section later on