Vicarious Liability

Cards (18)

  • Vicarious Liability
    Where the employer is responsible for the torts/crimes of their employees.
  • Tests used to decide whether a person is an employee:
    ·       Control Test (Hawley).
    ·       Integration Test.
    ·       Economic Reality Test (Ready Mixed Concrete).
    ·       Akin to Employment Test (Cox).
    ·       Christian Brothers criteria can be used where the above tests are inconclusive. 
  • ·       Control Test (Hawley). 

    Did the employer have control over the employee?
  • ·       Integration Test.

    Is the employee fully integrated into the business?
  • ·       Economic Reality Test (Ready Mixed Concrete). 

    Look at a range of things such as where there is a contract of employment and whether there are deductions for tax etc.
  • ·       Akin to Employment Test (Cox). 

    Where the relationship is similar to employer and employee.
  • ·       Christian Brothers criteria can be used where the above tests are inconclusive.  

    Was the employer in control of the work done and did this create the risk of the tort/crime being committed? Was it fair just and reasonable to make the employer responsible?
  • Was the tort committed in the course of the employment?
    Examples of in the course of employment include:
    ·       Doing job but not following instructions (Rose v Plenty)
    ·       Doing job negligently (Century)
  • Examples of not doing job in course of employment include:
    ·       Employee on a frolic of one’s own (Hilton)
    ·       Unauthorised lifts (Twine)
    ·       Employee playing a practical joke (Chell)
  • If the employee has committed a crime the test to use is the ‘close connection’ test where the employer will be liable only if there is a close connection with the crime committed and their job:

    ·       Mohamud v Morrisons.  Close connection with job when they assaulted a customer.
    Morrisons Supermarkets. No close connection with job when they leaked data.
  • ·       Barclays Bank
    employers are not responsible for independent contractors.
  • ·       Ready Mixed Concrete
    economic reality test most often used traditional test.
  • ·       Cox
    akin to employment test applied where not an employee under the 3 traditional tests.
  • ·       Christian Bros.
    used where not an employee under the other tests.
  • ·       Rose v Plenty
    acting in course of employment includes employees not following instructions but the employer benefits from the work.
  • ·       Hilton
    employees off doing their own things will be not be acting in the course of the employment.
  • ·       Mohamud v Morrisons
    where there is a close connection with the job being done and the crime committed there will be vicarious liability.
  • ·       Chell
    no vicarious liability where employee played a practical joke on a contractor as the employer had training in place to prevent this behaviour.