Where the employer is responsible for the torts/crimes of their employees.
Tests used to decide whether a person is an employee:
· Control Test (Hawley).
· Integration Test.
· Economic Reality Test (Ready Mixed Concrete).
· Akin to Employment Test (Cox).
· ChristianBrothers criteria can be used where the above tests are inconclusive.
· Control Test (Hawley).
Did the employer have control over the employee?
· Integration Test.
Is the employeefullyintegrated into the business?
· EconomicReality Test (Ready Mixed Concrete).
Look at a range of things such as where there is a contract of employment and whether there are deductions for tax etc.
· Akin to Employment Test (Cox).
Where the relationship is similar to employer and employee.
· Christian Brothers criteria can be used where the above tests are inconclusive.
Was the employer in control of the work done and did this create the risk of the tort/crime being committed? Was it fairjust and reasonable to make the employer responsible?
Was the tort committed in the course of the employment?
Examples of in the course of employment include:
· Doing job but not followinginstructions (Rose v Plenty)
· Doing job negligently (Century)
Examples of not doing job in course of employment include:
· Employee on a frolic of one’s own (Hilton)
· Unauthorised lifts (Twine)
· Employee playing a practicaljoke (Chell)
If the employee has committed a crime the test to use is the ‘closeconnection’ test where the employer will be liable only if there is a closeconnection with the crimecommitted and their job:
· Mohamud v Morrisons. Close connection with job when they assaulted a customer.
MorrisonsSupermarkets.No close connection with job when they leakeddata.
· Barclays Bank
employers are not responsible for independent contractors.
· Ready Mixed Concrete
economic reality test most often used traditional test.
· Cox
akin to employment test applied where not an employee under the 3 traditional tests.
· Christian Bros.
used where not an employee under the other tests.
· Rose v Plenty
acting in course of employment includes employees not following instructions but the employer benefits from the work.
· Hilton
employees off doing their ownthings will be not be acting in the course of the employment.
· Mohamud v Morrisons
where there is a closeconnection with the job being done and the crimecommitted there will be vicarious liability.
· Chell
no vicarious liability where employee played a practical joke on a contractor as the employer had training in place to prevent this behaviour.