Lines of Defence

Cards (8)

  • 1st:
    • Skin - physical barrier against pathogens
    • Fluids - tears & saliva that wash away dirt and dust
    • Nasal hairs - filters dust and dirt in the nose and throat
    • Mucus - Lines the throat and nose to trap particles
    • Urine flow - flushes pathogens out of the bladder and the urethra
  • 2nd:
    • The core body temperature increases above 38 degrees to slow down and kill pathogens
    • This is done considering pathogens thrive in moderate temperatures
    • Swelling and redness on the area of infection.
    • This allows for more blood flow with white blood cells that will kill of pathogens
    • White blood cells that protect the body by "swallowing" or engulfing pathogens that they do not recognise
  • 3rd - Pt.1:
    • Lymph is filtered in the lympth nodes. Trapped pathogens are consumed by macrophages
    • The spleen removes pathogens and foreign proteins from the lymph fluid.
    • The lymphatic system carries lymphocytes and macrophages that destroy foreign proteins and manufacture antibodies.
  • 3rd - Pt. 2:
    • When a person is sick, B cells (white blood cells) recognise the pathogen and produce antibodies (proteins) on its cell membrane. Antibodies connect to markers on the pathogen to identify them.
    • Each pathogen has unique markers and only connect with antibodies that have a similar shape.
  • 3rd - Pt.3:
    • The B cell releases millions of antibodies into the blood to fight off the pathogen. The B cell clones itself into an army, releasing more antibodies to fight and neutralise the pathogen.
    • The memory of the pathogen is remembered by remaining B cells that act as memory cells. This allows for a stronger and quicker response to the pathogen if one is infected by the same one. This is known as immunity.
  • Macrophages - white blood cells that surround and kill microorganisms.
  • Lymphocytes - Immune cells produced in the bone marrow that help fight cancer and foreign blood cells in the immune system along with producing anti-bodies.
  • Lymph - watery fluid in the lymphatic system that carries nutrients and proteins to cell & tissue.