Research methods a level psychology

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    • What does control of variables refer to in psychological research?

      It refers to managing factors that could influence the outcome of an experiment.
    • Why is controlling variables important in psychological research?

      It helps ensure that changes in the dependent variable are due to the independent variable.
    • How does controlling variables increase the validity of research findings?

      By ensuring that observed changes are due to the independent variable, not other factors.
    • What is an example of a controlled variable in a caffeine and memory study?

      Time of day when the memory test is conducted.
    • What are the key reasons for controlling variables in psychological research?

      • Ensures internal validity
      • Allows for reliability and replication
      • Enhances generalizability
      • Increases precision of measurements
      • Strengthens causal inference
    • What is internal validity in the context of controlling variables?

      It ensures that changes in the dependent variable are caused by the independent variable.
    • How does controlling variables contribute to reliability in research?

      It allows experiments to be replicated, producing consistent results across different studies.
    • What are extraneous variables?

      Factors that could influence the dependent variable but are not the focus of the study.
    • What is a confounding variable?

      A type of extraneous variable that systematically varies with the independent variable.
    • Why is it important to control extraneous variables?

      To isolate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.
    • What are the different types of variables in psychological research?
      • **Independent Variable (IV)**: Factor manipulated by the researcher.
      • **Dependent Variable (DV)**: Outcome measured in response to the IV.
      • **Extraneous Variables**: Factors that could influence the DV but are not the focus.
      • **Confounding Variables**: Extraneous variables that vary systematically with the IV.
      • **Control Variables**: Extraneous variables kept constant across conditions.
    • In a study on background noise and reading comprehension, what is the independent variable?

      The presence or absence of background noise.
    • What is randomization in controlling variables?

      Randomly assigning participants to different conditions to distribute extraneous variables evenly.
    • How does standardization help in controlling variables?

      It keeps procedures, instructions, and testing conditions the same for all participants.
    • What is the purpose of counterbalancing?

      To control for order effects by varying the order of conditions or tasks.
    • What is a limitation of highly controlled experiments?

      They may lack ecological validity.
    • What ethical principle is violated by not informing participants about stress induction?

      Informed consent.
    • What are the limitations and ethical considerations of controlling variables in psychological research?

      • Artificiality may reduce ecological validity.
      • Complexity in controlling all variables.
      • Generalizability may be limited.

      **Ethical Considerations**:
      • Informed consent must be obtained.
      • Deception raises ethical concerns.
      • Right to withdraw must be respected.
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