OJ - Brazil

Cards (23)

  • What has caused orange juice prices to rise significantly?

    Severe drought and widespread crop disease in Brazil
  • What is the current price of concentrated orange juice futures on the Intercontinental Exchange?

    $4.92 a pound
  • How much higher are the current orange juice prices compared to two years ago?

    Almost three times higher
  • What is the forecast for Brazil's orange crop in 2023 according to Fundecitrus?

    It will be the smallest crop in 35 years
  • What percentage decrease in yields is expected from last year according to Fundecitrus?

    Almost 25 percent
  • What does Andrés Padilla predict about the pessimistic forecast for Brazil's orange crop?

    It probably won’t be achieved due to current conditions
  • How long has Brazil been experiencing drought conditions?

    The worst drought in 50 years
  • What is the expected impact of the upcoming rainy season in Brazil?

    It is predicted to come late this year
  • What factors contribute to the "perfect storm" affecting the orange market in Brazil?

    Smallest crop in 35 years, rising citrus greening disease, and drought
  • What disease has been affecting orange trees in Florida for the past 20 years?

    Citrus greening disease
  • What percentage of Brazil's orange trees showed symptoms of citrus greening in 2023?

    38 percent
  • What insect spreads citrus greening disease?
    Sap-sucking psyllid insects
  • What has Fundecitrus observed regarding the psyllid population in Brazil?

    It is the highest recorded since 2004
  • What impact does citrus greening disease have on orange trees?

    It leads to lower yields and lower-quality juice
  • What did Brayan Palhares say about the productivity of his orange farm in 2024?

    It was the worst since 1970
  • How many boxes per hectare did Palhares produce this season compared to the average over the last 10 years?

    Only 470 boxes compared to an average of 1,800
  • Why is Brazil almost alone in serving the juice market?

    Other countries produce oranges mainly for the fresh fruit market
  • What does Kees Cools say about the impact of high orange juice prices on consumers?

    It means orange juice will get more expensive
  • What alternative fruit does the IFU suggest for orange juice makers?
  • What is the hope of farmers like Palhares for the next year?

    To return production to previous levels
  • What are the main factors contributing to the current orange juice crisis in Brazil?
    • Severe drought
    • Widespread crop disease (citrus greening)
    • Forecast of the smallest crop in 35 years
    • High prices in the futures market
  • What are the implications of the rising prices of orange juice for the beverage industry?

    • Increased costs for soft-drink companies
    • Need for hedging in the futures market
    • Potential shift in consumer preferences to alternatives
  • What legislative changes are being called for by the IFU and others?

    • Allowing the use of climate-resilient fruits
    • Maintaining the name of orange juice for products made with other fruits