biological approach pt3

Cards (13)

  • What is evolution?

    Evolution is the gradual development of living organisms. It occurs by natural selection (organisms adapting to their environment to live longer and passing on their genes).
  • Evolutionary theory
    • "survival of the fittest" in our evolutionary past
    • Some traits(physical/behaviour) mutate each generation- if these are adaptive then they get passed on
    • This can be through natural selections (individuals are more likely to survive to pass on their genes) or sexual selection (individuals are preferred mates due to mutation)
    • over many generations, these mutations become thoroughly integrated into the gene pool
    • Our current behaviours may have aided survival in the past
  • What is the main theory proposed by Charles Darwin?

    Natural selection theory
  • What causes a random mutation in an animal's genetic makeup?

    Environmental pressures
  • What can result from a random mutation in an animal?

    A physical or behavioral characteristic change
  • How does a mutation affect an animal's chances of survival and reproduction?

    It can either increase or lower their chances
  • What do animals compete for according to Darwin's theory?

    Resources such as food, shelter, and mates
  • If a mutation increases an animal's chance of survival, what is likely to happen in terms of resource access?
    They become more likely to gain access to resources over their competition
  • What happens if an animal with a beneficial mutation succeeds in reproducing?
    The trait may get passed onto their offspring
  • Over how many generations can a beneficial trait be passed onto offspring?
    Over many generations
  • What is the effect of a beneficial mutation on competition for resources?

    It increases access to resources over competitors
    • psychologists believe various psychological characteristics such as aggression and intelligence can be also explained through this evolutionary explanation
    • Aggression is seen throughout the animal kingdom as well as in humans and may have served the purpose of increasing survival rates and resources as well as the protection of territory
    • Buss(1989) studied 37 different cultures and found universal similarities in human mate preferences
    • women desired mates for resources(to provide for the offspring)
    • men desired young physically attractive women