Black Death

Cards (29)

  • China
    Where did the Black Death originate?
  • 1348
    What year did the Black Death arrive in Britain?
  • Bubonic
    What was the most common form of the plague?
  • Pneumonic
    What was the deadliest form of the plague?
  • Melcombe Regis, Dorset
    Where did the Black Death first arrive in England?
  • A third of the population

    How many people died from the Black Death?
  • A germ (pasteurella pestis) which lived in the blood of black rats and the guts of fleas that travelled on their furWhat caused bubonic plague
    What caused the bubonic plague
  • A germ that travelled in the air - it was caught by breathing in the germs

    What caused pneumonic plague?
  • Fever, buboes in armpits and groin, a rash of black and red spots
    What were the symptoms of bubonic plague?
  • Coughed up blood, lungs rotted
    What were the symptoms of pneumonic plague?
  • 70%
    What percentage of people died from bubonic plague?
  • 100%
    What percentage of people died from pneumonic plague?
  • People who whipped themselves, hoping that God would forgive their sins and spare their lives.

    Who were flagellants?
  • Bad air - some people believed the plague was caused by poisonous air
    What was miasma?
  • The Jews
    Which group of people were sometimes blamed for causing the plague?
  • Miasma, God, the planets, person to person

    What were the main beliefs about the cause of the plague?
  • Lighting fires, praying to God, herbal potions
    What were some common cures for Black Death?
  • There were fewer people to plough and harvest, so tons of crops rotted in the fields

    How did the Black Death affect farming?
  • There were fewer of them, so they could demand higher wages. The price of food and other goods fell.
    Why did life for surviving peasants improve?
  • Villeins could bargain with the lords to end their labour services and leave the lord's control

    Why did peasants become more free?
  • They took over abandoned land, built bigger houses, ate more meat and less bread. They began to wear clothes of coloured material.

    How did standards of living improve for peasants?
  • Open sewers, threw rubbish, butchers threw entrails ( rotting meat ) out, lots of animals therefore dung

    Why were streets so dirty
  • pestilence
    What did people at the time call the Black Death
  • Wrestling in church yards

    During the black death what did the people of Suffolk stop doing
  • A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease
    What is an epidemic?
  • )Lack of clean drinking water due to pollution of water sources

    Health problem ( water
  • In places such as Exeter, aqueducts were built to bring fresh water into the town
    Rakers were implored to clean the streets
    Night carts collected human waste
    Cesspits were lined with brick or stone so they did not leak into water supplies
    Laws were past to stop people from throwing out rubbish on the streets
    Public health improvements
  • Towns and ports ( lots of movements of people )

    Where was effected the most by the Black Death
  • Remote villages
    Where was effected the least