Mga decocktion

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  • What are tinctures and extracts used for in herbal preparation?

    They are used to extract constituents of a plant in alcohol, vinegar, or glycerin.
  • How does the FDA define the term "tincture"?
    The FDA claims the term "tincture" for drug purposes only.
  • Why do vinegar extracts and glycerites usually require higher doses than alcohol extracts?

    They require higher doses due to differences in extraction efficiency.
  • What is the basic method for making a decoction?

    Place 1 tablespoon of dried herb in water, bring to a boil, then steep for at least 20 minutes.
  • What are the steps to make a decoction?

    • Place hard plant matter in water.
    • Bring to a boil to soften the exterior.
    • Turn off heat and steep for at least 20 minutes.
  • What is an infused oil?

    is an extraction in oil used on its own or as a base for a salve.
  • What is the basic method for making a hot infusion?

    Heat water, pour it over herbs in a strainer, cover, steep for 3-5 minutes, and strain.
  • What is a salve?

    A salve is a mix of oil and wax.
  • What is a poultice used for?

    A poultice is a topical application for wounds, muscles, and bruises.
  • What is a compress?

    A compress is a piece of fabric soaked in an infusion or decoction for topical use.
  • How is syrup made in herbal preparation?

    Syrup is made by adding honey, glycerin, or molasses to an infusion or decoction.
  • What is an oxymel?

    An oxymel is a blend of honey and vinegar, which can be infused with herbs.
  • What is the process of extracting essential oils?

    Essential oils are extracted through steam distillation, CO₂ extraction, or solvent extraction.
  • What is a hydrosol?

    A hydrosol is the product of steam distillation that contains trace amounts of volatile oil.
  • What is a flower essence?

    A flower essence is a vibrational essence made by placing plant matter in water and preserving it with alcohol or glycerin.
  • Why are flowers used for flower essences avoided if used multiple times?

    They are avoided due to toxicity concerns.
  • What are homeopathic pellets?

    Homeopathic pellets are not herbal preparations but may use herbs in plant medicine.
  • What are pastilles?
    Pastilles are a mixture of powdered herb and honey formed into little balls to be eaten.
  • How can herbal medicine be refined?

    Herbal medicine can be refined into capsules or tablets.