Oxford English dictionary describe it as just conduct/fairness. For example, if convicted of a criminal offence there will be a punishment based on the idea of ‘just deserts’. Difficult to define in a pluralistic society where justice may have different meanings.
Different types of justice:
fair allocation of the burdens and benefits within society. For Aristotle this did not mean equal shares whereas for Marx this meant equal shares based on need. Consider whether the law provides distributive justice through the welfare state and taxation.
where the law attempts to right wrongs. In criminal law this is done by punishing the guilty. In civil law this is done by awarding damages.
this refers to the legal processes that are in place to ensure fair trials take place. For example, use of jury in criminal cases.
this question here is whether the laws themselves provide a just outcome.
Bentham’s view being that a justice legal system is one which provides the maximum happiness for the majority whereas for Aquinas, a natural law theorist, it would be a justice system that reflected the higher authority of God.
Social Justice
Rawls view that everyone within society should have access to the basic necessities such as food and shelter. Although we have human rights protection, it does not guarantee food or shelter.
- Cuts to legal aid mean many people are denied access to justice both in the criminal and civil courts.
- Miscarriages of justice indicate a lack of justice but Criminal Cases Review Commission that helps people who have been wrongly convicted indicate justice eventually. For example, historically the case of Timothy Evans and in modern times the recent post office convictions.
- In criminal law this refers to sentencing. Judges aim the provide justice through the use of the tariff system and life sentence for murder. Discuss the retribution aim of sentencing.
- In civil law this is achieved by the awarding of damages.
What does the law of murder imply regarding mens rea in the case of Vickers?
It allows conviction for murder even if the defendant only intended GBH.