6.2 Blood

Cards (12)

  • Lumens are a hole in a tube
  • The blood pressure in arteries is high.
  • The blood pressure in veins is very low.
  • The blood pressure of capillaries is low.
  • Arteries have a small lumen to wall ratio.
  • Veins have a large lumen to wall ratio.
  • Red blood cells are biconcave which increases their surface area.
  • Red blood cells don't have a nucleus to save space.
  • White blood cells have a nucleus.
  • Capillaries are one cell thick and can let through one red blood cell at a time.
  • Oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, hormones, heat, carbon dioxide and urea are transported in the blood.
  • Plasma is the liquid the dissolves or carries all other components of the blood, nutrients and wastes.