how does Wittgenstein take an anti-realist approach?
he states that it is based on the principle that language is an expression of a form of life which does not make statements true or false, but rather statements that are correctly or incorrectly used
what is his approach known as?
a non-cognitive approach to language
what did he say about language?
the meaning of words are based on their use or the function they perform as agreed by a particular group or society using them
"dont ask for the meaning, ask for the use"
summarise his language game argument
rules apply to this game and no other
people not in the game will not be able to understand the use of the language and it will seem to be meaningless and without purpose
people outside of the game will not be able to understand the rules and will not be able to criticise it
religious beliefs has its own language and rules
when did he say problems occur?
Wittgenstein states problems occur when language 'goes on holiday' - words used outside of their set of rules
what did he say individuals cant do?
individuals cannot create a private religious game