symptoms and classification

Cards (12)

  • Lifetime risk is 1%, increased significantly if a family member is affected
  • Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia

    • hallucinations: auditory, visual or olfactory
    • delusions: can be of 'grandeur' or paranoia
    • disorganised thought and speech: 'loose associations', derailment and using make up words
    • Inappropriate affect: 'unsuitable' emotions
    • Catatonia: making bizarre body movements and striking unusual poses
  • Negative symptoms of schizophrenia

    • Avolition: Loss of energy, interest or motivation
    • Alogia (speech poverty): limited or absent speech
    • Flat affect: complete lack of emotional responses
    • Social withdrawal
  • Symptoms required for diagnosis under DSM IVR ( used by USA)

    • 2 or more positive symptoms for one month duration
    • continuous disturbance at least 6 months prior
  • Symptoms required for diagnosis under ICD-10 (used by UK)

    2 or more negative symptoms for one month ( no need for positive symptoms)
  • How might a diagnosis of schizophrenia affect a patient?

    It can impact their social, occupational, and personal outcomes
  • What are the two main classification systems for schizophrenia?
    ICD and DSM
  • What does ICD stand for?

    International Classification System for Diseases
  • What does DSM stand for?

    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders
  • How do the ICD and DSM differ in diagnosing schizophrenia?

    ICD requires no positive symptoms, while DSM requires two positive symptoms
  • What is the duration of disturbance required by ICD for a schizophrenia diagnosis?

    One month
  • What is the duration of disturbance required by DSM for a schizophrenia diagnosis?

    Six months