The multi-store model includes three separate unitary stores: Sensory register, shortterm memory and longterm memory and information flows through these three stores in a fixedlinear order
The sensory register codes information from senseorgans and each is coded differently. It has a limited duration, less than 2seconds as low as 0.5 and has a verylarge capacity. Paying attention to information leads to transferal to the short term memory otherwise we forget due to rapiddecay.
Short term memory mainly codes acoustically and similar sounds can lead to confusion. It has a limited duration of 18 - 30 seconds and a limited capacity of 5 - 9 items. Rehearsal, constant rote repeating, allows retaining info in the STM. Doing this a lot transfers info to the LTM. Forgetting occurs due to displacement or decay
The sensory register codes information from sense organs and codes them differently. It has a limited duration from 2 seconds to as low as 0.5 and has a very large capacity. Paying attention allows the information to transfer to the short term memory otherwise we forget due to rapid decay
The long term memory codes semantically. Its duration is a few minutes to a lifetime and has an unlimited capacity. Forgetting happens through interference and retrieval failure.