Characteristics of phobias, depression and OCD

Cards (26)

  • Behavioural characteristic of phobias
    Panic- may involves crying, screaming or running away.
  • Behavioural characteristic of phobias
    Avoidance- tend to avoid coming into contact with the phobic stimulus
  • Behavioural characteristic of phobias
    Endurance- sufferer remains in the presence of the phobic stimulus but experiences high levels of anxiety
  • Emotional characteristic of phobias
    Anxiety- an unpleasant state of high arousal.
  • Emotional characteristic of phobias
    Emotional responses are unreasonable
  • Cognitive characteristic of phobias
    Selective attention to the phobic stimulus- hard to look away from the phobic stimulus
  • Cognitive characteristic of phobias
    Irrational beliefs- illogical thoughts
  • Cognitive characteristic of phobias
    Cognitive distortions- the phobics perceptions of the phobic stimulus may be distorted
  • Behavioural characteristic of depression
    Activity levels- reduced energy or psychomotor agitation
  • Behavioural characteristic of depression
    Disruption to sleep and eating behaviour- insomnia or hypersomnia, increased appetite or decreased appetite.
  • Behavioural characteristic of depression
    Aggression and self harm- verbally or physically aggressive to themselves (self harm) or others.
  • Emotional characteristic of depression
    Lowered mood- feeling sad
  • Emotional characteristic of depression
    Anger- directed at themselves or others
  • Emotional characteristic of depression
    Lowered self esteem- like themselves less than usual
  • Cognitive characteristic of depression
    Poor concentration- unable to stick to tasks as they normally would
  • Cognitive characteristic of depression
    Attending to and dwelling on the negative- focus on negatives and ignore positives
  • Cognitive characteristic of depression
    Absolutist thinking- black and white thinking, all good or all bad.
  • Behavioural characteristic of OCD
    Compulsions are repetitive- sufferer feels compelled to repeat the behaviour
  • Behavioural characteristic of OCD
    Compulsions reduce anxiety- reduce anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts
  • Behavioural characteristic of OCD
    Avoidance, keeping away from situations that may trigger it
  • Emotional characteristic of OCD
    Anxiety & distress- obsessions and compulsions can create this due to it being an unpleasant experience
  • Emotional characteristic of OCD
    Accompanying depression- sufferers often experience this also with a low mood etc
  • Emotional characteristic of OCD
    Guilt & disgust- directed against themselves or something external like dirt.
  • Cognitive characteristic of OCD
    Obsessive (irrational) thoughts- unpleasant thoughts
  • Cognitive characteristic of OCD
    Cognitive strategies to deal with obsessions- these help to manage the anxiety
  • Cognitive characteristic of OCD
    Insight into excessive anxiety- sufferers are aware their thoughts and behaviours are irrational