word used by Aquinas to describe reason - something which is placed in every person as a result of being created in the image of God
Aquinas - means to follow the good and avoid the evil, the rule that all precepts follow
Freud = part of the mind that has instinctive impulses that seek satisfaction in pleasure
Freud = uses the word to describe the part of the mind that contradicts the Id and uses internalised ideals from parents and society to make the ego behave morally
Freud = uses this word to describe the mediation between the id and the super ego
name Aquinas gives to the process whereby a person's reason makes moral judgement
Vincible Ignorance
how Aquinas describes a lack of knowledge for which a person is responsible and can be blames
Invincible ignorance
how Aquinas describes for which a person is not responsible and therefore cannot be blamed
The more you obey your conscience the more your conscience will demand of you
C.S. Lewis
I have noticed my conscience for many years and I know it is more trouble and bother to me than anything else I started with
Mark Twain
The torture of a bod conscience is the hell of a living soul
John Calvin
But I think that if we shut out all the noise and clutter from our lives and listen to that voice, it will tell us the right thing to do
Christopher Reeve
'The Spark of conscience was the power to distinguish good from evil"
St. Jerome (347-420)
Jean Piaget
Conscience is significantly reinforced by the upbringing and influences we have in our early years
Aquinas and Ratio:
ratio = human reasoning -- humans have special qualities
AUGUSTINE - believed that reason, thought, intellect + mind were altogether whereas AQUINAS believes that it was separate
conscience was the same as right reason (ratio)
not an inner voice (like Augustine believed) but a form of knowledge that leads to moral facts like scientific knowledge leads to scientific facts
progressive though of acting things out
inspired by Roman 1:20
connects to the eternal realm
innate sense of right and wrong
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1:20 - Aquina
Syndersis and Aquinas:
directs us towards good and thus away from evil
sensuality within us tempts us
conflict between both - positive outcome
syndersis is a habitat
directed for us to do good and avoid evil
natural law is what people know to do right (natural law) - romans 2
To Aquinas, how many parts could be divided into?
What are the names that Aquinas gave to the different parts of the conscience?
Synderesis and Conscientia
How man kinds of Ignorance did Aquinas believe in?
2 - vincible and in~vincinle
Example of vincible and invincibleignorance to Aquinas:
vincible ignorance - sleeping with another persons wife
invincible ignorance - accidentally sleeping with another persons wife
I toast the Pope but I toast my conscience more
Cardinal Newman:
argues everyone knows the difference between right and wrong
conscience is a divine law placed inside each one of us by God
it is a messenger from God rather than the voice of God
like a truth detector
Joseph Butler:
like Aquinas, ability to reason is from God and the evidence is our conscience
believed human nature to have a hierarchy - bottom is basic desires and the top is the conscience
humans motivated by two basic principles : self love and benevolence
conscience helps us care for others not ourselves
deception of conscience worse than resultant action
Freud'sstructure of the mind:
the EGO - conscious self -- the obvious everyday personality
the ID - unconscious self -- repressed desires and memories
the SUPER EGO - standard of morality of society forced onto a person from outside
Conscience for Freud:
a product of psychological factors that influence us in ways that may or may not be healthy
conscience seeks to deal with the conflict of all imposed moral ideas
driven by the super ego
ego mediated between the super ego and the id
feel guilty when our ego gives way to the unconscious demands of the id
Freud: Sex Explains everything
said boys had a deep desire to replace their fathers so they could have exclusive possession of their mother -- Oedipus Complex
libido is the most basic of all our urges
women get frustrated due to penis envy
conscience psychologically created to stop us from carrying out our basic desires which are seen as socially unacceptable
disobey conscience - feel guilty
To Freud, what does Libido mean
sexual desire and there a 5 stages
What are the 5 stages of libido?
Oral (0-1) - sucking and swallowing
Anal (1-3) - withholding and expelling
Phallic (3-6) - masturbation
Latency (6 - puberty) - absence of sexual motivation
Genital puberty to adulthood - concerned with sexual intercourse
Sexual desires cause conflict and guilt:
freud - sex explains everything
sexual desires are what drives people
society demands we control sexual desires for the greater good
but this results in repressed sexual desires
sexual morality - traditionally come from religion Freud believed that this guild comes through the super ego
God gives people an explanation for the guilt they feel
religion provides a father figure to admit to - wish fulfillment
illusion - helped society from going to anarchy
The Oedipus Complex:
based on the Greek Tragedy by Sophocles
battle of supremacy
leaving his home in Corinth, Oedipus believed that he escaped a prophecy of killing his dad and marrying his mother - this was not true as the people in Corinth weren't his parent
prophecy occurs - when he finds out he stabs his own eyes out
boys see their fathers as rivals for their mothers love
AquinasTheological view on conscience:
morality is from the divine law
our reason (ratio) controls our synderesis (natural inclination to do good and avoid evil) which leads to good habits -- leading to conscientia (moral decisions)
if we don't apply correct ratio and make bad decisions guild follows as we go against the divine law
Freud's psychological views on the conscience:
morality is the result of interaction between ID, ego and super-ego
dominant ID leads to uncontrollable behaviour and guild from following desires
dominant super ego leads to unreasonable demands from the external sources when we deal this leads to guilt
critics say too much emphasis on psychosexual analysis
Aquinas on guilt:
guilt tells us an action is not good
not in accordance with divine law
price of sin
guilt follows faulty reasoning (ratio) applied to the synderesis
invincible ignorance - should not lead to guilt
misplaced guilt can disrupt relationship with God
guilt is not a punishment
God's grace expels all guilt
Graph for Freud
A) Reality
C) Super ego
D) Internalised morality
E) super ego
F) ego
G) please
H) guilt
I) Pleasure
J) dominant
K) uncontrollable
Freud on Guilt:
guilt is the result on inner conflict
linked to our libido and giving into ID
between our desires and what we 'should' do
causes tension and turmoil and the competing demands leads to guilt
turmoil causes wrong doing, we feel guilty about our desires
leads to future wrong doing, our behaviour reflects our guilt
our struggle with the demands of the conscience causes us to snap
what can't be expressed with outward turns into inward neuorsis
Garden of Eden: guilt, shame and desire
Freud - sex is about gratifying sexual desire, desire to gratify the ID was followed by guilt having gone against the father figure. The story is not about ethics but a son (Adam) rebelling against his father (God) and that is an end in its self
He believed that faith controlled sexual behaviour -- grew up in the victorian period
Garden of Eden: guilt, shame and desire
Aquinas - giving into sensual knowledge and eating the fruit, bigger part of the salvation story, they felt guilt after
Jung: alternative psychological view
religion is a natural process that stems from archetypes within the unconscious mind
it performs the function of harmonising the psyche - beneficial phenomenon
removal of religion would lead to psychological problems
"It seems that the verdict must be 'not proven' ... the Freudian theory of religion may be true but it has not been shown to be so"