Cards (31)

    • What does Eye Witness Testimony (EWT) refer to?

      An account given by people of an event they have witnessed
    • Why is Eye Witness Testimony studied in psychology?
      It is studied as part of cognitive processes, particularly memory
    • What type of account is Eye Witness Testimony considered?

      A first-hand account of an event
    • In what settings is Eye Witness Testimony often used?
      In legal settings as evidence
    • What can influence Eye Witness Testimony?

      Various psychological factors
    • What are some common issues with Eye Witness Testimony?

      It is subject to memory errors and biases
    • Give an example of Eye Witness Testimony.

      A person describing a car accident they witnessed to the police
    • What are the factors affecting the accuracy of Eye Witness Testimony?

      1. Leading questions
      2. Weapon focus
      3. Stress and anxiety
      4. Time delay
      5. Age
      6. Reconstructive memory
    • How do leading questions affect Eye Witness Testimony?

      They suggest or presume certain information, potentially altering recall
    • What is weapon focus in the context of Eye Witness Testimony?

      Attention drawn to a weapon, reducing focus on other details
    • How can stress and anxiety impact Eye Witness Testimony?

      High levels can impair memory formation and recall
    • What effect does time delay have on Eye Witness Testimony?

      Longer gaps between event and recall can lead to more errors
    • How does age affect Eye Witness Testimony accuracy?

      Both very young and older adults may have less accurate recall
    • What is reconstructive memory?

      Filling in gaps with what seems logical
    • What is an example of a leading question?

      "What color was the getaway car?" when no car was mentioned
    • What does Post Event Discussion refer to?

      Conversations or interactions that occur after an event has been witnessed
    • Why is Post Event Discussion important in the context of Eye Witness Testimony?

      It can influence how original memories are recalled
    • What can Post Event Discussion involve?

      Discussions with other witnesses, investigators, or media
    • How can Post Event Discussion alter original memories?

      By introducing new information or misinformation
    • Give an example of problematic Post Event Discussion.

      Witnesses watching news reports about the incident before giving statements
    • What are the impacts of Post Event Discussion on Eye Witness Testimony?

      1. Memory contamination
      2. Confidence inflation
      3. Misinformation effect
      4. Conformity
      5. Source monitoring errors
    • What is memory contamination in the context of Post Event Discussion?

      Incorporating information from others into one's own memory
    • How can confidence inflation affect Eye Witness Testimony?

      Discussing with others can increase confidence in potentially inaccurate memories
    • What is the misinformation effect?

      False information introduced after the event can alter original memories
    • What are source monitoring errors?

      Difficulty distinguishing between original memories and post-event information
    • What did Loftus and Palmer (1974) investigate?(EWT)

      The effect of leading questions on memory recall
    • What was a key finding of Gabbert et al. (2003)? (PED)
      Witnesses can incorporate information from co-witnesses into their own accounts
    • What did Yuille and Cutshall (1986) study? (PED)

      Real-life eyewitness accounts of a shooting incident
    • What did Loftus and Pickrell (1995) demonstrate? (PED)

      The creation of false memories through suggestion
    • What conclusion can be drawn from the research studies on Eye Witness Testimony?
      Eyewitness testimony can be influenced by various factors including questioning techniques and post-event discussions
    • What is the key takeaway regarding eyewitness accounts from the studies?

      They can be affected by a range of psychological processes
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