social learning theory

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  • developed by Albert bandura in 1960s, social cognitive theory is a theory that suggests that people learn through observing and imitating others
  • The basic ideas-
    • we learn by observing models and imitating their behaviour this is much quicker than the direct reinforcement needed in conditioning
    • Features of the model-we are more likely to imitate a model if we identify with them (similar) or we hold them in high regard
    • Vicarious reinforcement- in contrast to behaviourism, we can also learn by observing a model being reinforced for their behaviour
    1. attention- we must pay attention to the model's behaviour
    2. retention-the behaviour must be remembered by the learner
    3. reproduction-we must be capable of performing the behaviour
    4. motivation-we must perceive there to be a need or reward to reproduce the behaviour
  • social learning theory
    A psychological theory proposing that people learn new behaviours through observation, imitation and modelling of others in a social context