Resistance to Social Influence

Cards (9)

  • Social support
    • this can be a reason as to why people resist pressures to conform, by having an ally (someone that supports your POV)
    • allows individuals to have confidence and remain independent
  • Allen and Levine (1971) 

    • resistance to conformity
    • found that introducing a dissenter - even if they wore thick glasses and claimed they had poor eyesight - reduced conformity
  • Gamson et al (1982)

    • resistance to obedience
    • found higher levels of resistance than Milgram did - the pps in Gamson's study were in groups
    • 88% of groups rebelled
  • 1943 - German women protested in Berlin
    • police threatened to open fire if they didn't disperse however the women demanded the release of their husbands
    • despite the threats from police the women prevailed and Jews were set free
    • this shows how strong the theory is considering that the women's lives were at risk but they still carried on
  • strong internal locus of control
    someone who believes they are in control of what happens and it is not down to external factors
  • strong external locus of control
    someone who believes what happens to them is luck/fate and they are not in control of what happens to them
  • meta-analysis - support for LOC
    • a meta-analysis demonstrated how people are much more external than they used to be and young Americans increasingly believe that their fate is determined by luck
  • Holland's Milgram-style study 

    • measured whether the pps had internal or external LOC
    • found that 37% of internals did not continue to the 450V compared to 23% of externals who didn't
    • this increases the validity of the explanation
  • Rotter (1982)

    • suggested LOC only comes into play in new situations
    • if people have conformed or obeyed in specific situations they will be highly likely to do so again regardless of if they have a high internal LOC
    • this decreases the validity of the explanation