Implications for the Economy

Cards (9)

  • Implications for the economy discuss the wider applications to society, how psychological research can be used to benefit people.
  • Benefits for the economy are seen in the conclusions from research studies.
  • We are interested in how we learn from research findings and whether they influence the economy.
  • Some research findings like those from clinical studies testing the effectiveness of treatments, can benefit the economy.
  • Bowlby's research into attachment types has implications for the economy, through mothers who stay at home or those who work.
  • Research into the benefits of daycare has implications for the economy, as good quality childcare, can ensure more mothers return to work.
  • Flexible working hours and modern day parenting has offered a way for people to contribute more effectively to the economy.
  • Absence from work costs the economy money, so drug treatments for disorders such as depression help benefit society.
  • If people can manage their mental health, it would enable them to continue in employment and contribute to the economy.