The Sign test is a non-parametric statistical test of difference that allows a researcher to determine the significance of their investigation.
A Sign test is used in studies that have used a repeatedmeasuresdesign, where the data collected is nominal.
The Sign test is sometimes referred to as a BinomialSign test.
A Sign test will calculate it's value using positive and negativesigns from the data set.
In a Sign test the column with the lowest number of either positive or negative signs becomes the Svalue.
In a Sign test the calculatedvalue (S) is compared to a table of criticalvalues to see if it is significant.
In a Sign test the calculated S value must be less than or equal to the critical value to be significant.
The purpose of comparing the calculatedvalue (S) to a table of criticalvalues in a Signtest is to determine whether the observed difference between two related samples is statistically significant or due to chance.