Exogenous zeitgebers

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  • What does the German word Zeitgeber mean?
    Time giver
  • What are exogenous zeitgebers?
    External factors in the environment that reset our biological clocks
  • Through what process do exogenous zeitgebers reset our biological clocks?
  • What is a key zeitgeber in humans?
  • What can light do to the SCN?
    Reset it
  • What does light have a direct influence on?
    The sleep/wake cycle
  • What does light have an indirect influence on?
    Key processes such as hormones
  • Whose study showed that light may be detected by skin receptor sites even when the same information is not recieved by the eyes?
    Campbell and Murphy
  • How many participants did Campbell and Murphy have?
  • What was the procedure in Campbell and Murphy's study?
    Woken up at various times and a light pad shone on back of knees
  • What did Campbell and Murphy find?
    They could produce deviation of sleep/wake cycle up to three hours
  • What does Campbell and Murphy's study suggest?
    Light is powerful zeitgeber that doesn't necessarily rely on eyes
  • What does research on jet lag suggest?
    Adapting to local times for eating and sleeping is effective way of entraining circadian rhythms