Statistical Infrequency

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  • Statistical Infrequency:
    Behaviour that can be described as statistically infrequent can/is defined as abnormal according to this definition.
  • Behaviour occurs a-lot (frequently), it is a way most people behave (normal).
    Behaviour occurs not a-lot (infrequently), then can be described as statistically infrequent, and therefore abnormal.
    Rare behaviour-> abnormal
  • Strength:
    Real-world application:
    • It's usefulness, Used in clinical practices as a way of formal diagnoses of patients and assesses the severity of symptoms,
    • Shows this definition has value as the criterion is helpful in diagnosis and assessment process.
  • Weakness:
    • Labelling someone as being abnormal can be unhelpful or harmful.
    • Someone with low IQ would be labelled as abnormal under definition when perfectly happy.
    • Such as label could lead to poor self-image and may not benefit from it.
    • Problem as being labelled as SI could cause more distress than condition itself.
  • Weakness:
    • Some infrequent traits/behaviours are actually desirable:
    • Does not distinguish between positive and negative characteristics.
    • For someone with very low IQ there is a person with very high IQ. Both are rare, we would not define a trait like High IQ as abnormal.
    • Shows that being unusual on a spectrum such as this does not necessary make someone abnormal.
    • Suggests that SI is an insufficient definition for abnormality.