
Cards (11)

  • 1 "Our house is hell and thou, a merry devil"
  • 2 "To be ashamed to be my father's child but though I am his daughter to his blood, I am not to his manners"
  • 3 "Become a Christian and thy loving wife"
  • 4 "Nor thrust your head into the public street to gaze on Christian fools with varnished faces"
  • 5 "Cupid himself would blush to see me thus transformed to a boy"
  • 6 "gild myself with some more ducats, and be with you straight"
  • 7 "I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear"
  • 8 "I had it of Leah when I was a bachelor: I would not have given it for the wilderness of monkeys"
  • 9 "in such night did Thisbe fearfully o'ertip the dew and saw the lion's shadow ere himself and ran dismissed away"
  • 10 "here will we sit and let the sound of music ... become touches of sweet harmony"
  • 11 "Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way of starved people"