
Cards (10)

  • 1 "You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog, and spit upon my jewish gabardine"

    • Noun "misbeliever" shows that Christians believe that Jews don't believe in the right thing, as they follow the old testament.
    • Noun "dog" emphasies how Shylock isn't treated/viewed as human, the Christians are dehumanising him.
    • Shylock is being discriminated against because of his religion. This highlights how normalised and acceptable to do it.
    • Makes the audience empathise with Shylock.
  • 2 "I am like to call thee again, to spit on thee again, to spurn thee too"

    • Repeated use of adverb "again" shows that Antonio doesn't regret how he's treated Shylock.
    • Has no remorse for his actions.
    • This could justify why Shylock refuses to give up on the bond, as he wants his revenge.
    • Verb "spit" shows Antonio's lack of respect.
    • Also highlights how the Christians thought of themselves to be above the Jews.
  • 3 "Hear you me, Jessica: Do as I bid you; Shut doors after you"

    • Verb "shut" gives the idea that she is locked inside her own home.
    • He is commanding her.
    • Is ordering Jessica around and treating her like his property.
    • However, some may say that he's just trying to protect her.
    • The audience may lose sympathy for Shylock here as he isn't being a 'good' father.
  • 4 "i would rather my daughter were dead at my foot and the jewels in her ear"

    • Shylock would rather have his daughter dead but have to jewels.
    • Implying he is more furious about the loss of his money than his family.
    • Wanting her "dead" shows he no longer cares for her.
    • Have a broken relationship.
    • Feels betrayed.
  • 5 "If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? ... And if you wrong us, do we not revenge?

    • This comparison shows that Jews are human, just like Christians. However, aren't treated like they're human.
    • Jews also feel emotions (pain and joy) just like the Christians.
    • Declaring that he will get his revenge.
    • Making audience sympathise with him, as they know how awfully the jews have been treated.
  • 6 "The villainy you teach me I will execute and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction" 

    • Noun "villainy" shows he or his actions are pure evil.
    • Verb "teach" suggests that he has become evil because how he was treated. Could also shows that he learned from the Christians.
    • Adjective "hard" shows that Shylock will show no remorse just like Antonio did to him.
    • Adjective "better" implies that he will learn for the Christians mistakes and do better, to make Antonio suffer.
    • Shylock wants justice for how he has been treated.
    • Audience may see Shylock as the villain.
  • 7 "Is it nominated in the bond?" 

    • Shylock refuses to give Antonio a doctor and it isn't nominated in the bond.
    • He refuses to show any remorse or mercy, just like Antonio.
    • He sticks to the bond on matter what and in the end it's the reason for his downfall.
  • 8 "If every six thousand ducats were six parts and every part a ducat. I would not draw them, I would have my bond"

    • Shylock is offered more money but he won't take him, implying that he doesn't care about the money.
    • Revenge is more important to him rather than money, unlike how Antonio believed.
    • Nothing can make up for the pain that was caused.
    • Him refusing a large sum of money highlights how nothing can change his mind for wanting revenge.
  • 9 "You take my house when you take the prop that doth sustain my house; you take my life when you do take means whereby I live"

    • If they take all of his money then everything he has will collapse.
    • No mercy is being shown.
    • He views life to be no longer worth living.
    • Also shows that to him money is all that matters and what his life revolves around.
  • 10 "render it upon his death upon the gentlemen that lately stole his daughter ... he presently become Christian"

    • Adverb "stole" shows that his daughter was taken from him, so he has lost another thing.
    • Shylock is being forced to convert to a Christian.
    • If he does he won't be accepted by the Christians and the Jews will see him as a traitor. Therefore have no belonging.