Issues and Debates

Cards (5)

  • What is Free will?
    • The notion humans can make choices and their behaviour and thoughts are not determined by biological or external forces
    • Individuals play an active role and have choice in how they behave
    • Free to choose their behaviour and are self-determined
    • Impossible to predict human behaviour without any precision
  • What is determinism?

    • View that an individual's behaviour is shaped by internal or external forces, rather than an individual's will to do something
    • Behaviour is predictable
    • Causal laws of determinism forms the basis of science
  • What is hard determinism?

    • Belief that forces outside of an individual's control e.g. biology or past experience, shape their behaviour
    • Incompatible with free will
    • Behaviourism - Skinner believed free will is an illusion, the person who commits a crime has no real choice
  • What is soft determinism?

    • Belief that behaviours can be predictable (caused by internal or external force) but there's room for personal choice from a limited range of possibilities
    • There's an element of free will in all behaviour and while behaviour is predictable, it is not inevitable
  • What is environmental determinism?

    • Type of external determinism
    • Sees the cause of the behaviour as outside of the individual e.g. parents, the media or school
    • E.g. behaviourism and SLT