
Cards (33)

  • What phrase does the Catholic Church use to describe what all people will face when they die?

    The four last things: death, judgment, heaven, and hell
  • What do Christians believe about the immortality of the soul?

    They believe that the soul continues to exist in the afterlife even after the body dies
  • What is resurrection in Christian belief?

    It is the idea that a person will have a new resurrected life after they die
  • How does Saint Paul explain the concept of resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15?

    He uses the analogy of a seed that becomes a plant to illustrate continuity and difference
  • What does Saint Paul say about what is sown and what is raised in resurrection?

    What is sown is perishable, and what is raised is imperishable
  • How does the earthly body differ from the resurrected body according to Saint Paul?

    The earthly body is perishable, dishonorable, weak, and physical, while the resurrected body is imperishable, glorious, powerful, and spiritual
  • What is the belief about judgment in Christianity?

    God will judge all people, determining their eternal destination based on their response to His offer of salvation
  • What are the two types of judgment mentioned in Christian belief?

    Particular judgment and final judgment
  • What does particular judgment refer to?

    It refers to the individual judgment a person faces immediately after they die
  • What does final judgment refer to?

    It refers to the judgment that will take place at the end of time when all people will be judged
  • What is heaven according to Christian belief?

    Heaven is a place of perfection where those who accept God's forgiveness will spend eternity with Him
  • What responsibilities does the Church have regarding salvation?

    The Church encourages faith in God, good deeds, avoiding mortal sins, and seeking reconciliation
  • What is hell in Christian belief?

    Hell is the condition of everlasting separation from God
  • How does the Church teach that people end up in hell?

    People send themselves to hell by rejecting God's forgiveness
  • What traditional image represents hell, and what does it signify?

    The traditional image of hell as burning fires represents frustration and pain from knowing they rejected eternal life with God
  • What key ideas about life after death does Jesus teach in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man?

    Jesus teaches about rejection of God, the pain of separation from God, no movement between heaven and hell, and the importance of following God's commands
  • What does the rich man's refusal to help Lazarus represent?

    It represents a rejection of God
  • What does the rich man's agony in hell suggest about those in hell?

    It suggests that they are aware of their separation from God and feel pain from what they have missed
  • What does the inability to change one's eternal destination after death imply?

    It implies that a person is judged solely on their actions in this life
  • What does the rich man recognize about his brothers in hell?
    He recognizes that they need to listen to God's commands and the teachings of the prophets to avoid hell
  • What is purgatory according to the Church?
    Purgatory is a process of purification for those who have committed less serious sins before entering heaven
  • What does St. Paul say about the day of judgment in relation to purgatory?

    He speaks of a cleansing fire that would remove all impurities
  • Who does purgatory apply to?

    Purgatory applies only to those who are on their way to heaven but need to be cleansed
  • Do all Christians agree on the concept of the afterlife?

    No, some Christians, including many Protestants, do not believe in purgatory
  • What do some Christians believe about the opportunity to repent after death?

    Some believe that a person may be given a chance to accept God's forgiveness after they have died
  • What is universal salvation according to some Christians?

    It is the belief that everyone gets to heaven because they are given the chance to accept God's forgiveness after death
  • What is predestination in Christian belief?

    It is the idea that God has already decided who will go to heaven and hell
  • What do some Christians believe about particular judgment?

    Some do not believe in particular judgment and think that the dead wait in the grave until the final judgment
  • What are the four last things according to the Catholic Church?

    • Death
    • Judgment
    • Heaven
    • Hell
  • What are the key beliefs about heaven in Christianity?

    • A place of perfection
    • No sin or death
    • Eternal life with God for those who accept forgiveness
  • What are the responsibilities of the Church regarding salvation?

    • Encourage faith in God
    • Promote good deeds
    • Advise against mortal sins
    • Urge reconciliation after sin
  • What are the key ideas Jesus teaches about hell in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man?

    • Rejection of God leads to hell
    • Pain of separation from God
    • No movement between heaven and hell
    • Following God's commands leads to heaven
  • What are the differing beliefs about purgatory among Christians?

    • Some believe in purgatory as a cleansing process
    • Others believe in immediate judgment to heaven or hell
    • Some believe in opportunities for repentance after death
    • Some believe in universal salvation or predestination