Plant response practical

Cards (2)

  • Plant response method:
    1. Place cotton wool into three petri dishes, and add the same volume of water to each dish.
    2. Add ten seeds to each dish and place in warm place and wait for seeds to germinate.
    3. Once germinated make sure each petri dish has the same number of seeds.
    4. Place each petri dish into different locations. So one in full light, one in partial light and one with no light.
    5. Everyday for a week, measure the height of each seed and record on table.
    6. Finally, calculate mean of the seeds for each day and compare with the different locations.
  • Sources of error in plant response practical;
    • Seeds in the same petri dish may not receive same exposure to light.
    • Temperature could also be a factor which affects growth.
    • Measurement errors or not measuring in the same way.