Preparation before Migration

Cards (7)

  • Internal clock is first set in action
    Typically involce laying down fat layers which ensures enough enrgy supply for the journey
    Moulting feathers (for birds typically) - replace flight feathers which ensure maximum flight efficiency
    May include breeding Plumage (bright coloured feathers) for spring migration
  • Risks of Migration May include:
    Insufficient fat deposits for lengthy journey
    Poor condition feathers : Incomplete journey
    Possible Predation During the journey (Wound / Die)
    Too Weak / Unhealthy enough to complete the journey
    Sudden Storms may blew the migratory organism off course / kill them
  • Benefits of Migration
    Avoiding extremes of changing seasonal climate e.g Winter where resources are typically scarce
    Plentiful hours of feeding at each location
    Promote survival / breeding success - Young may grow successfully rapidly and strong
    Abundant supplies usually reduce Intraspecific COmpetetion - Increase survival
  • For long distance migration - for it to continue existing - the advantages must outweigh the disad. / costs
  • Migration usually offers greater reproductive success compared to non-migration
  • Navigational Methods may include:
    Landmarks - Familiar places , use as a guide - Coomonly when animal is close to home
    Solar - Sun Compass - sun moves east to weat during the day able to use -
    Stellar- (Star Patterns )When moving at night
    Magnetic - Birds, Whales, Turtles, Bees
    Chemical Traits - Scent trailes find their way to their destination
    Sonar - Sound reflection - Echolocation
  • Typically Combination of method may used to get to its destination
    E.g. = Use solar but may switch to magnetic when sun s obscured / cloudy / may used landmarks to get to final destination when getting close to it