psychodynamic approach

    Cards (13)

    • key assumptions
      - first 5 years of life are most important for our future development (developing stable personality+ form healthy relationships)
      - occurs through set stages and conflict occurs at each stage
      - conflict= important for for healthy personality
      - person could be fixated in a stage if conflict isn't resolved
      - conflict occurs in unconscious part of the mind
    • what's the conscious part of the mind?

      the small amount of mental activity we know about eg thoughts and perceptions
    • what's the preconscious part of the mind?

      things we could be aware of if we tried/ wanted to be eg memories and stored knowledge
    • what's the unconscious part of the mind?

      -things we're unaware of and can't become aware of
      - powerful impacts of behaviour
      - eg deeply buried conflict and trauma
    • The id
      - biological part of the mind
      - present in the newborn+ consists of basic biological impulses and drives
      - works on pleasure principle
      - the drive motivates us to behave in certain ways+ that we want to satisfy urges and wishes
      - urged + wishes put us in a state of arousal, when satisfied, arousal is reduced
    • The ego
      - aims to balance the id urges in line with what's realistically possible by considering the environment
      - works on reality principle- gratification of urges must be delayed until situation is appropriate
      - also has the job of defending the unconscious mind against displeasure
    • The superego
      - judged what actions are right or wrong
      - internalised representation of the values and morals of society
      - conscience
      - violating the superego's standards or even the impulse to do so causes anxiety
      - someone whose failed to internalise the moral standards of society will have few behavioural constraints and may engage in excessively or over indulgent or criminal behaviour
    • Defence mechanisms
      -Unconscious strategies that protect our conscious mind from anxiety by distorting reality in order to cope better with a situation.
      - protect us from distressing, painful and unpleasant thoughts and feelings
      - the ego uses these defences to deal with stress caused by conflicting demand of id and superego
      - denial, repression, displacement
    • Denial
      - making yourself believe that something won't happen when in fact it will, usually a reaction to bad news
      - eg smokers who are addicted saying that they will quit
    • Repression
      - pushing bad experiences or negative emotions to the back of your mind so you forget about it
      - acts as a memory process to protect us from bad emotions
      - eg someone you love was injured and you don't like to think about it
    • Displacement
      - this is where you redirect your hostile feelings onto an innocent object or person as they cannot be expressed where they should.
      - eg anger might be turned to aggression in sport
    • Psychosexual stages of development
      - predetermined sequence and can result in either successful completion or a healthy personality or can result in failure, leading to an unhealthy personality
      - oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital
      ( old age people like gardening)
    • what are the fixations possible?
      oral, anal, phallic, genital