Working Memory Model

    Cards (11)

    • What are the components of the Working Memory Model (WMM)?

      The components are the central executive, phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad, and episodic buffer.
    • What is the role of the central executive in the WMM?

      The central executive allocates tasks to the three slave systems and has a limited processing capacity.
    • What does the phonological loop do?

      The phonological loop processes auditory information and allows for maintenance rehearsal.
    • How is the visuo-spatial sketchpad structured?

      The visuo-spatial sketchpad is divided into the inner scribe and visual cache.
    • What is the capacity of the visuo-spatial sketchpad according to Baddeley?

      The capacity of the visuo-spatial sketchpad is around 4-5 chunks.
    • What is the function of the episodic buffer in the WMM?

      The episodic buffer integrates all types of data processed by other stores and links STM to LTM.
    • Why is the central executive considered vague in its definition?

      Because the term 'process' is vague and it may consist of several sub-components.
    • What does Shalice and Warrington's study of KF suggest about the WMM?

      It suggests that auditory and visual memory components are separate.
    • What does dual-task performance indicate about the central executive?

      It indicates that the central executive has a limited processing capacity.
    • What does Braver et al's neuroscan evidence support regarding the central executive?

      It supports the idea that the central executive allocates tasks and has a limited processing capacity.
    • How does increasing cognitive load affect the prefrontal cortex according to Braver et al's findings?

      Increased cognitive load correlates with increased activation in the prefrontal cortex.