Early Attachment

    Cards (17)

    • Who suggested that there is continuity between early attachment experiences and later relationships?
    • What does Bowlby mean by "internal working model"?

      It is a mental template for what a relationship is and how to behave.
    • How do early attachments influence parenting styles?

      They serve as a template for how individuals raise their own children.
    • What did Bailey et al. (2007) demonstrate regarding attachment styles?

      People are likely to raise their children similarly to how they were raised.
    • What is a consequence of having a similar attachment type to that of one's parents?

      It leads to the attachment style being passed on through generations.
    • How does the internal working model affect adult romantic relationships?

      It influences expectations of others and attitudes towards them.
    • What might an insecure resistant individual struggle with in relationships?

      They may have trust issues and find it hard to commit.
    • What can lead to the development of an attachment disorder in a child?

      Experiencing abuse or neglect during childhood.
    • What are the key findings of Bailey et al. (2007) regarding attachment classification?

      • Majority of women studied had the same attachment classification to their babies and mothers.
      • Supports the idea of continuity in attachment styles.
    • What did Hazan and Shaver find about securely attached children?

      • They had happier and longer-lasting relationships.
      • Insecurely attached individuals experienced more divorces and believed love was rare.
    • What is a criticism of the deterministic view of early attachment influences?

      It suggests that poor-quality attachments inevitably lead to bad parenting and relationships.
    • What evidence contradicts the deterministic view of attachment styles?

      Many insecurely attached children grow up to have strong, happy relationships.
    • What did Fraley's meta-analysis reveal about early attachment types and later relationships?

      • Found correlations of up to 0.50 between early attachment types and later relationships.
      • Suggests some attachment types are more unstable over time.
    • What did Simpson et al.'s longitudinal study find about securely attached children?

      • They were more expressive and emotionally attached in later romantic relationships.
      • Supports the claim that early attachment experiences influence adult relationships.
    • What alternative explanation does Kagan propose regarding adult relationships?

      He suggests that innate personality factors determine the quality of adult relationships.
    • How does the temperament hypothesis challenge Bowlby’s theories?

      It implies that attachment styles are irrelevant to adult relationships.
    • What is a limitation of the research on early attachment and adult relationships?

      It often overlooks the role of life experiences and genetic factors.