Interspecific Relationship

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  • Interspecific Relationship occurs between members of different Species
    May be + , - or 0 (neutral)
  • Mutualism is a relationship of different species where both gets benefited ( + and + ) increasing both their survival chances
  • Exploitation are members of two species where one is harmed and the other is benefited
    This includes 3 exploitation
  • Parasitism are exploitation in which parasite feeds off living individual (hosts)
    Ecto parasites - feeds outside - peircing skinf sucking blood
    Endo parasites - Inside the host - Blood system - feeding in blood - Digestive trace - may host Carnivore - Herbivore -
    Endo parasites reduce intra comp/ Prevents over infestation which may kill their host
  • Brood Parasitism = Cuckoo
    Parasitism in which Parasites uses other species to rasied their young
    Rare in plants - Either put itself to its host but provide its own food through Photosynthesis OR put itself and steak the host's food
  • Predation is a relationship where the Predator gets benefited consuming/ killing its prey (+ and -)
    Predator develop specific adaptation for hunting / killing
    Prey displays counter adaptation which lower the predation risk
    This is a reciprocal adaptation - Co - evolution
  • In predation, adaptation may include
    Eye position
    Speed / Strength / Samina
  • Warning colouration of prey to predators - Indicates that they are
  • Herbivory is not a type of predation - One individual feed on plants material (+ and -)
  • Herbivory may also fall from the idea of co-evolution in which
    Herbivores have specific adaptation in which plants also counter with their
    Toxic Chem
  • Pollination is also a type of exploitation in whcih Plants
    attracts pollinators
    Relationship is mutualism
    Flower gets pollinated = pollinator obtains nectar
    Also a type of reciprocal adaptation - Co-evolution
  • Interspecific Competetion usually occur when resources become scarce / Limited
    Habitat Spacr
    Nest Sites
  • According to Gause's principle,
    Interspecific comp may act to limit the extent of other species niche
    Too similar niche requirements may lead the other adaptive species to outcompete the other (eliminate)
  • In interspecific comp , both are being harmed = lower survival chanvr and lower reproductive success
    The more similar the resources requirements = the more intense the competetion, especially if the resources are so limited
  • Evolutionary Fitness is the measure of organisms reproductive success
    Fitter / More adapted have a higher survival = likely to survive and reproduce
    Hint: P , M, P, H
    Adaptation that promot parasitism , Mutualism , Predation , Herbivory all increase evolutionary fitness and are equally selected for
    Similarly Adaptation of
    Plants to reduce the effect of competetion also enhance their evolutionary fitness and are equally selected for