working memory model

    Cards (5)

    • working memory model was invented by Baddeley and Hitch
      • central executive - monitors all functions in WMM
      • phonological loop - stores auditory information - subdivided further
      • phonological store - holds words you hear. articulatory process - holds words that are seen or heard and are repeated.
      • visuo-spatial sketchpad - holds info that are visual (how things look) - used to plan spatial tasks
      • episodic buffer - holds info that does not fit in other categories
    • AO3 1 evidence from brain damaged patients proves WMM

      Shallice and Wallington - patient, SC had good learning abilities but could not learn word pairs that were presented out loud - suggest phonological loop damaged
    • AO3 2 - problem with using case studies
      unique individuals - can not generalised to population - research will lack validity - issue key support WMM from case study
    • AO3 3 - central executive too vague, doesn’t explain anything
      appears to so is allocate resources - same as ‘attention‘ - not enough research done as WMM disproves MSM as it is too simple - CE simple too