Cards (34)

  • What is the origin of the term "society"?
    The term society comes from the Latin word "societas".
  • How is society defined beyond just a group of people?
    Society is a large organized group sharing a common cultural, social, economic, political, and industrial infrastructure.
  • What ensures the continuity of society?
    The constant interaction among people in society ensures its continuity.
  • What are the components that shape the lives of society members?
    Members of society share a common culture that shapes their lives.
  • What are the three main sectors of society?
    The three main sectors of society are government/political society, business/economic society, and civil society.
  • What is the role of Government or Political Society?

    It takes responsibility for a wide range of human needs and implements laws to ensure quality of goods and services.
  • What does Business or Economic Society refer to?

    It refers to the sector that promotes and implements regulations and policies for the improvement of livelihood.
  • What is Civil Society?

    Civil Society is a large group outside the government that is non-profit and voluntarily developed by people for collective action.
  • What is the fundamental purpose of society?
    The fundamental purpose of society is to have a reliable organization that helps members with different kinds of needs.
  • How does society help its members?

    Society helps each member to fulfill their human potentials.
  • What is the common good?

    The common good is the sum of all conditions in life that allows people to attain the fullness of their human being.
  • Why is attaining the common good challenging?

    Attaining the common good is challenging because it considers all people, their security, safety, and interests.
  • What is the first requirement for attaining the common good?
    There must be a law that does not hurt any individual, group, or race.
  • What is social justice?
    Social justice is instrumental in achieving the good of all.
  • What are the conditions for social justice?

    Social justice exists when everyone has freedom, dignity is nurtured, and people experience good lives.
  • What does a just and fair society provide for its members?
    A just and fair society provides equal opportunity for all to fulfill their potentials.
  • What are the three elements of the common good?

    The three elements of the common good are respecting human dignity, social good, and peace and safety.
  • What does respecting human dignity entail?

    Respecting human dignity means honoring each and everyone’s fundamental human rights.
  • How does social good contribute to society?

    Improving social well-being helps individuals reach their full potential and strengthens society.
  • What does peace and safety in society mean?

    It means that people are orderly and feel safe, even in times of turmoil and strife.
  • What actions can individuals take to show respect to others?
    • Join groups protecting human dignity and rights
    • Use the internet to support human rights efforts
  • How can individuals practice social good?

    • Improve skills and knowledge to contribute to society
    • Call on leaders to address global challenges
  • What can individuals do to promote peace and safety?

    • Follow laws and regulations for safety
    • Participate in advocacy for conflict resolution
  • The term society comes from the Latin word "societas" which means?

    connection between friends or allies.
  • Society does not simply mean?
    “a group of people staying in the same place”.
  • What are the meaning of society?
    • Society consists of people, but the people themselves are not society
    • The people in society are constantly interacting
    • Society has an organized and interdependent system and socially acceptable rules.
    • Members of society have a common culture that shapes their lives.
    • There are three main sectors of society: government/political society, business/economic society, and civil society
  • What are the 3 main sectors of society?
    1. Government or Political Society
    2. Business or Economic Society
    3. Civil Society
  • What are the 3 IMPORTANCE of society?
    1. The fundamental purpose of society is to have a reliable organization that helps members with different kinds of needs.
    2. Society is formed because of its members’ desire to reach a collective purpose: the common good.
    3. Society helps each member to fulfill their human potentials
  • Society can be considered as the result of?
  • Not all groups form a society. It only becomes a society when?
    People are united for the same goal and for the GOOD of all.
  • Attaining the common good is not easy, because it considers all people, their security, safety, and interest.

    It must be actively worked on and must be adjusted according to the new and rising needs of the changing society.
  • What are 3 ways for ATTAINING THE COMMON GOOD?
    1. Law that we must all follow
    2. Social Justice
    3. Just and Fair Society
    1. Respecting the Human Dignity
    2. Social Good
    3. Peace and Safety
  • What can you do?
    1. Show Respect to Others
    2. Practice Social Good
    3. Have Peace and Safety