Asch & Variables Affecting Conformity

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    • What was the main focus of Asch's study of conformity?
      To investigate majority influence on individual responses
    • What did Asch want to determine about group pressure?
      Whether it could lead individuals to give incorrect answers
    • In Asch's study, how many male students participated?
      123 male students
    • What was the task given to participants in Asch's study?
      To identify which of three lines matched the length of a given line
    • How many trials were conducted in total during Asch's study?
      18 trials
    • What was the nature of the confederates' responses in the critical trials?
      They all gave the same incorrect answer
    • What percentage of participants conformed at least once during the critical trials?
    • What conclusion did Asch draw about conformity from his study?
      People conform to the majority even in unambiguous situations
    • What are the two reasons Asch identified for why people conform?
      Normative social influence (NSI) and informational social influence (ISI)
    • What percentage of participants did not conform at all during the trials?
    • What are the strengths of Asch's study of conformity?
      • Standardized procedure allows for replication
      • High reliability due to consistent results
      • Cross-cultural replications provide validity
      • Collectivist cultures show higher conformity rates
    • What are the limitations of Asch's study of conformity?
      • Conducted in the 1940s/50s, lacks temporal validity
      • Participants may have guessed the study's aim
      • Response bias could reduce validity of findings
    • How did group size affect conformity in Asch's variations?
      Conformity increased with more confederates, peaking at three
    • What was the conformity rate with one confederate?
    • What effect did introducing a non-conforming confederate have on conformity rates?
      It reduced conformity to 5%
    • How did task difficulty influence conformity in Asch's study?
      Increased difficulty led to higher conformity rates
    • What explanations did Asch provide for conformity in easy versus difficult tasks?
      ISI for difficult tasks and NSI for easy tasks
    • What does NSI stand for in the context of conformity?
      Normative social influence
    • What does ISI stand for in the context of conformity?
      Informational social influence
    • How does Asch's study illustrate the concept of social influence?
      It shows how group pressure can lead individuals to conform against their better judgment
    • What cultural differences did Smith & Bond (1996) identify in relation to conformity?

      Higher rates of conformity in collectivist cultures
    • What was the main finding regarding the critical trials in Asch's study?
      Participants conformed to the incorrect answer 36.8% of the time
    • What does the term 'unanimity' refer to in the context of Asch's study?
      The extent of agreement among group members
    • How did Asch's findings contribute to our understanding of social behavior?
      They highlighted the powerful effect of group dynamics on individual decision-making