Cards (27)

  • Preterm
    before the end of 37 weeks
  • LBW
    less than 5.5 lbs (2500 grams)
  • SGA
    small for gestational age
  • LGA
    large fore gestational age
  • Term
    38-40 weeks gestation
  • Post
    42 weeks more
  • Neonate
    a baby in the neonate period
  • Neonate period
    from birth through 28 days of life
  • Immediate care essentials:
    1. Establish airway
    2. Keep newborn warm
    3. Do APGAR scoring
    4. Identify the newborn properly
    5. Provide skin care
    6. Give Crede's prophylaxis
    7. Perform cord dressing
    8. Inject vitamin K intramuscularly
    9. Take the weight and other anthropometric measurements
    10. Provide gentle and minimal handling and watchful eyes
  • The establishment of airway is the top priority in the immediate care of the newborn
  • Since newborns are nose breathers, the nurse must right away suction the mouth and the nose right after the extension of the newborn's head before the chest is delivered. This is to clear secretions and to prevent meconium aspiration which results to lung infection: aspiration pneumonia
  • Position neonate in slight trendelenburg (10-15 degrees angle) in order to drain secretions from oro-naso-pharynx
  • Deep suctioning of the newborn can cause vagal stimulation, bradycardia, and laryngospasm
  • Suctioning:
    • Preterm - less than 5 seconds per suctioning time
    • Terms - 5-10 seconds per suctioning time
  • Injudicious use of oxygen can result to damage to the retina causing neonatal blindness. This condition is called retrolental fibroplasia
  • CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)

    plastic tube that fits in the nostrils provides additional pressure in the air passages to keep the tiny air sacs in the lungs properly inflated
  • The newborn temperature at birth (37.3) drops quickly (35.5) owing to mechanics, of heatloss
    • Evaporation - loss of heat at liquid leaves the newborn's body
    • Conduction - loss of heat from direct contact of cool surfaces
    • Convection - loss of heat due to cool air
    • Radiation - loss of heat due to indirect contact of cool surfaces (walls, floors, ceiling)
  • The initial temperature of the newborn is taken per rectal in order to detect the most common congenital anomaly that is not compatible with life: imperforate anus
  • Kangaroo care
    placing a newborn against a mother's skin
  • After the initial temperature per rectum all the other temperature taking should be per axilla
  • Subjecting the newborn to cold distress can cause: metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress
  • Identification is done as soon as possible after birth before the newborn is separated from the mother
  • Crede's prophylaxis
    is given to all newborns as a prevention against opthalmia neonatorum, its can be delayed for 1 to 2 hours in order not to interfere with bonding process
  • Cord dressing must be performed under strict aseptic technique to prevent tetanus neonatorum
  • Omphalitis
    infection of the cord
  • Omphalanghia
    bleeding of the cord
  • Anthropometric measurements
    • Weight - term: 3,000 to 3,400 grams, limit 2,500 grams
    preterm: <2,500 grams
    female: 7.5 lbs
    male: 7.7 lbs
    • Height - 19 to 21 inches, average: 50 cm
    female: 53 cm (20.9 inc)
    male: 54 cm (21.3 in)
    • Head circumference
    normal: 33-35 cm
    investigate for neurologic involvement: <37 cm or >33cm
    • Chest/Abdominal circumference - measure at the level of nipples, 31-33 cm