
    Cards (59)

    • What was the aim of Baddeley's (1966) study?

      To test coding of STM and LTM
    • What procedure did Baddeley use in his study?

      • Gave different lists of words to four groups:
      1. Words sounding similar (acoustically)
      2. Words sounding different (acoustically)
      3. Words with similar meaning (semantically)
      4. Words with different meaning (semantically)
      • Participants recalled visual words in the same order
    • What were the findings regarding immediate recall in Baddeley's study?

      Words with similar sounds were much harder to recall than words with dissimilar properties
    • What were the findings regarding recall after 20 minutes in Baddeley's study?

      Words with similar meaning were much harder to recall
    • What conclusion did Baddeley draw about STM and LTM coding?

      STM codes acoustically, while LTM codes semantically
    • What does Baddeley's study suggest about the storage of STM and LTM?

      They use varying stores as they code differently
    • What is a strength of Baddeley's study regarding memory stores?

      • Showed a clear difference between STM and LTM
      • Contributed to understanding of memory systems
      • Led to the development of the multi-store model
    • What is a limitation of Baddeley's study regarding stimuli used?

      • Used artificial stimuli rather than meaningful
      • Word lists had no personal meaning
      • Findings may not apply to real-world memory tasks
    • What was the aim of Jacobs' study?

      To test the capacity of STM
    • What procedure did Jacobs use to measure STM capacity?

      • Participants repeated a sequence of digits back immediately
      • Repeated several times with increasing digit lengths
      • Stopped when participants made an error
    • What was the mean digit span found in Jacobs' study?

      1. 3 for letters and 9.3 for digits
    • What did Jacobs conclude about the capacity of STM?

      STM has a limited capacity between 5-9 items
    • What is a strength of Jacobs' study regarding its replicability?

      • Jacobs' study has been replicated
      • Provides support for the findings
      • Early research lacked adequate controls
    • What is a limitation of Jacobs' study regarding confounding variables?

      • Early research lacked adequate controls
      • Confounding variables may have affected results
      • Participants might have been distracted during testing
    • What was the aim of Peterson & Peterson's study?

      To test the duration of STM
    • What procedure did Peterson & Peterson use to test STM duration?

      • Participants presented with a 3-letter consonant syllable (trigram)
      • Asked to count backwards for intervals of 3, 6, 9, and 12 seconds
      • Prevented rehearsal during the task
    • What were the findings regarding recall after 3 seconds in Peterson & Peterson's study?

      Average recall was 80%
    • What were the findings regarding recall after 18 seconds in Peterson & Peterson's study?

      Average recall was 3%
    • What conclusion did Peterson & Peterson draw about the duration of STM?

      STM has a duration of approximately 18-30 seconds when rehearsal is prevented
    • What is a limitation of Peterson & Peterson's study regarding the material used?

      • Used meaningless material (trigrams)
      • Lacks external validity
      • Does not reflect typical memory tasks
    • What was the aim of Bahrick et al.'s study?

      To test the duration of LTM
    • What method did Bahrick et al. use to test LTM duration?

      • Showed high school yearbooks
      • Tested recall through:
      1. Photo recognition test of 50 yearbooks
      2. Free recall of names from graduating class
    • What were the findings for photo recognition after 15 years in Bahrick et al.'s study?

      90% accurate
    • What were the findings for free recall after 48 years in Bahrick et al.'s study?

      30% accurate
    • What conclusion did Bahrick et al. draw about the duration of LTM?

      LTM may last up to a lifetime for recall material
    • What is a strength of Bahrick et al.'s study regarding external validity?

      • High external validity
      • Investigated meaningful memories
      • Findings represent a more realistic estimate of LTM duration
    • What was the aim of Miller's 1956 study?

      To test the capacity of short-term memory (STM)
    • What did Miller find regarding the capacity of STM?

      The capacity of STM is 7 ± 2 items
    • How many words can people recall as easily as letters according to Miller's findings?

      People can recall 5 words as easily as 5 letters
    • What is referred to as Miller's Magic Number?

      Miller's Magic Number is 7 ± 2
    • What is a limitation of Miller's research on STM capacity?

      • May have underestimated STM capacity
      • Research conducted by Nelson Chean reviewed other studies
      • Peak capacity of STM is about 4.5 chunks
      • Suggests lower end of Miller's estimate (5 items) is more appropriate
    • What does the peak capacity of STM being about 4.5 chunks imply about Miller's findings?

      It suggests that the lower end of Miller's estimate (5 items) is more appropriate than 7 items
    • What is the multi-store model of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin?

      A model that assumes different types of memory exist
    • What does the multi-store model of memory suggest about the system's operation?

      The system works effectively and follows a linear path
    • What are the key features of the multi-store model of memory (MSM)?

      • A structural model
      • Distinction between SR, STM, and LTM
      • Damage to one store does not affect others
      • Information passes linearly (SR → STM → LTM)
      • Each store has different characteristics (coding, capacity, duration)
      • Different explanations for forgetting in each store
    • What is the capacity of the sensory register (SR)?

      Very large
    • What is the duration of the sensory register (SR)?

    • What type of coding is used in the sensory register (SR)?

    • What is the duration of short-term memory (STM)?

      Max 30 seconds
    • What is the capacity of short-term memory (STM)?

      7 +/- 2 items
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